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Increase member engagement. For free.

Enable your members to cut through the noise in Slack with a daily or weekly digest tailored to their interests.

Xpertly is free for communities to install and deploy. See how 10k+ users are cutting through Slack noise.

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Give your members a reason to return regularly.

Xpertly makes it easy for members to find and engage with discussions relevant to their specified interests. Each discussion has a topic summary and a teaser linking back to the original post in Slack so users quickly understand context and return to contribute.


Make your community sticky. Facilitate members connecting.

Xpertly enables members to "follow" other members who have similar interests so they can learn from them and collaborate with them.

Connect to the right people in the community

Your member privacy is important to us

Icon_1-1 1. Only messages in public channel are analyzed. All data is deleted after 30 days.
Icon_2-1 2. No user identities are revealed. Summaries are anonymized.
Icon_3 3. Xpertly is read-only and never posts messages.

Increase brand affinity.

Easily customize the look of each user's newsletter to be on brand with emails sent from a custom name.

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Replace your weekly manual emails.

Instead of manually collating the best of your community every week, let Xpertly automate it. You get the best of both worlds - fully automated, yet hyper-personalized to each member.

Integrate notices and sponsorships.

Insert custom announcements or sponsorships in the newsletter to promote your events, partners, or general news.

Group 65


How does Xpertly protect the privacy of the community? Xpertly can only access messages in public channels that the user is already in. Messages in private DMs or private channels are inaccessible.

Messages are stored only for 30 days to facilitate weekly digests and analytics, then afterwards they are deleted.

Xpertly does not expose names of community members in its email digest, except where you're following a specific user and they have authored a post in a public channel.

Xpertly does not post any messages to the community so there is no risk of spam.

Finally, all data in stored on Amazon Web Services behind a VPC and is not publicly accessible.
How is this different than the default Slack digest? The default Slack digest is not tailored to an individual user. So all users get the same digest, which may not contain discussions relevant to their interests.

Also, because Xpertly's digest contains topic summaries, users can more quickly understand context and relevance whereas the Slack digest forces you to read the entire conversation.
What reporting and analytics do you provide? Xpertly will set up weekly reports for community managers showing email open and click rates for their users on Xpertly.

Beyond that community managers can see in Slack's default analytics reports how "weekly active members" and "members who posted" changes once Xpertly is deployed. 
How does Xpertly make money? Xpertly's basic product which allows users to be notified of relevant discussions in their professional communities is free for all users.

In future, we will introduce a paid Professional edition for users with advanced features, such as post analysis and guiding their posts to reflect the norms of a particular community - like not being spammy or salesy, contributing value before asking etc. 

When this paid version debuts, it will be available for purchase on behalf of your community members if you want them to have more than the free version.
How do I deploy Xpertly? Xpertly can be enabled in your workspace within minutes.  See these simple step-by-step instructions for admins to test the app for themselves and then to easily deploy it to some or all of your members in Slack.

10,000+ users across top Slack Communities using Xpertly 

What community managers say

Get your install link now

After you get your link, be sure to check out this guide on how to test and roll-out Xpertly in your community.

See how 10k+ Slack users are using Xpertly