Increase member engagement. For free.
See how 10k+ users are cutting through Slack noise.
Give your members a reason to return regularly.
Make your community sticky. Facilitate members connecting.
Give your members a reason to return regularly.
Make your community sticky. Facilitate members connecting.
Your member privacy is important to us

Only messages in public channel are analyzed.
All data is deleted after 30 days.

No user identities are revealed. Summaries are anonymized.

Xpertly is read-only and never posts messages.
Increase brand affinity.
Replace your weekly manual emails.
Integrate notices and sponsorships.
Insert custom announcements or sponsorships in the newsletter to promote your events, partners, or general news.
Increase brand affinity.
Replace your weekly manual emails.
Integrate notices and sponsorships.
Insert custom announcements or sponsorships in the newsletter to promote your events, partners, or general news.
Messages are stored only for 30 days to facilitate weekly digests and analytics, then afterwards they are deleted.
Xpertly does not expose names of community members in its email digest, except where you're following a specific user and they have authored a post in a public channel.
Xpertly does not post any messages to the community so there is no risk of spam.
Finally, all data in stored on Amazon Web Services behind a VPC and is not publicly accessible.
Also, because Xpertly's digest contains topic summaries, users can more quickly understand context and relevance whereas the Slack digest forces you to read the entire conversation.
Beyond that community managers can see in Slack's default analytics reports how "weekly active members" and "members who posted" changes once Xpertly is deployed.
However, for Slack communities rolling out the Xpertly app, this workspace will not count against the user's limit. i.e. all users in the workspace can use Xpertly for free.
10,000+ users across top
Slack Communities using Xpertly
10,000+ users across top Slack Communities using Xpertly

What community managers say

Engagement fuels online communities, yet few tools consider the member's viewpoint—until Xpertly. It tailors content to each member's preferences, benefiting both the individual and the entire community.

Our community of CFOs is an intimate and protected space. In addition to the promise of improving member engagement, I appreciate Xpertly's approach to handling data privacy issues which is crucial for us.
Get your install
link now
After you get your link, be sure to check out
this guide on how to test and roll-out Xpertly
in your community.